Knee pain is relatively common. Usually, it affects athletes and those who are regularly active or the weekend warrior types of athletics. Or it come as we age and become elderly.
Whatever group you are in knee pain can drastically impact the activities of your daily life. Someone suffering with knee pain has a high chance that they are causing problems in other parts of their body like the hips, back, feet or even the other knee. This is usually due to the way you compensate for the pain you feel in your knee. People who are getting knee pain from sprots or athletic activities often get knee pain from trauma, injury or just overuse while the elderly population usually get it due to osteoarthritis or the wear and tear of life.
Where does the knee pain come from?
Knee pain can be as a result of an acute injury like an ACL tear or a meniscus injury. This is inside the joint. Joint arthritis can cause the knee to hurt from inside the joint as well. Some pain is from the outside of the joint. Maybe your patella or kneecap is tracking wrong form muscle imbalance or you get ITB or Ilio-Tibial Band syndrome, sometimes called runner’s knee, Osgood Schlatters disease gives pain to the front, and sometimes people even can have knee pain that is referred from the low back or hip region.
What is causing my knee pain?
There are many causes of knee pain.
- Age related wear and tear
- Repetitive movements
- Changes in weight bearing
- Trauma like a sports injury
- Prolonged sitting
- Excessive weight
- Muscle strength imbalances
- Lack of flexibility
- Underlying disease or pathology (this is rarer)
I have even seen patients that have a foot problem they are unaware of that is causing the knee pain.
What is the most common cause of Knee pain?
After ruling out any underlying disease, the most common cause of knee pain are mechanical problems. Trauma or over use knee pain can be started off by having a mechanical problem or imbalance that you are unable to compensate for. So one of the most common causes of knee pain that is not due to arthritis is changes or imbalances in the lower back, pelvis and hip area.
How can chiropractic help with knee pain?
Here at Back & Neck Care Centre I take a whole body look at how your knee is being stressed and what kind of treatment I could do that would help take the stress off your knee and get it back in shape. There can be many things that play into why you have knee pain and it is very important that I know what the diagnosis is and what is causing this.
I start with a consultation which allows me to determine if your knee pain is something that we could help with or do you need to be referred to someone else. Then I do an examination that includes a range of chiropractic tests, orthopaedic, neurological and musculoskeletal tests. Which all allows me to get to the correct diagnosis.
After this we can have a talk about what your treatment plan would entail and what other options you might have. These can include spinal adjustments, knee and foot adjustments. Muscle therapies, cold laser treatments as well as some stretches and potential exercises for you to do at home to help improve your knee pain.
Here at Back & Neck Care Centre I take a look at not only the site of your pain but how other parts of your body may be effecting your knee. The with your permission I treat the musculoskeletal imbalances and any neurological imbalances to take the stressors off the knee. Then I do therapies that are intended to start the healing process and reduce the inflammation which is usually what makes you feel pain.
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